The Bocek Bow is surprisingly accurate, and you can equip the holo, 1x, 2x, 1-2x, and 3x sight on the weapon to your preferred range, though there is a visible falloff at longer ranges. On the Bocek Bow, both of these hop-ups can be equipped at the same time and you can switch between the two by toggling the alternate fire keybind. This hop-up can also be used on the 30-30 Repeater.

The Shatter Caps hop-up makes your arrows a burst shot, spreading out like a shotgun blast. The Deadeye’s Tempo hop up can also be used on the Sentinel sniper rifle. You can keep track of your rhythm by looking at the middle of your screen or off aiming down the sights a meter will show when you hit your perfect tempo. Deadeye’s Tempo lets you draw faster when firing at a perfect tempo. The Bocek has two slots for hop-ups: the Deadeye’s Tempo and Shatter Caps. You can find arrows for the Bow all around the map and you can retrieve arrows you’ve shot, including ones in the bodies of your enemies. The Bocek Bow is extremely quiet, though it’s not completely silent. Legacy brings in a brand new weapon to the Titanfall and Apex universe, and it’s a great medium-range one. Arenas will have its own skill-based matchmaking separate from the Battle Royale. Ranked Arenas will be coming in future updates but there’s no official release date just yet. In each round there’s one care package drop that contains three weapons, and it’s revealed which weapons will drop in the shop in the buy phase. You can gain more materials through canisters on the map, getting kills, and winning rounds. However, unlike Counterstrike or the other tactical team shooters, your weapons will not carry over from the previous round even if you win, so pick your gear carefully since you have limited amounts of materials to buy with.
Within the buy phase, you can upgrade your weapons and customize your gun’s sights to your desire (if you have enough materials). Unlike the Battle Royale, your abilities and ultimate do not recharge over time and you have to buy “charges” for use of your abilities and ultimate. In the start of Arenas, you pick your Legend as usual, but before every round there is a buy phase where you can choose your guns, equipment, and ability charges (think Counterstrike/Valorant/Rogue Company).

Arenas maps also include three existing Battle Royale map locations Thermal Station from World’s Edge, Golden Gardens from Olympus, and Artillery from Kings Canyon. The maps in Arena are smaller and contain two new custom maps called Party Crasher (the area where Mirage Voyage has crashed) and Phase Runner (an abandoned construction site on Talos). If you’re downed in this mode you can be revived, but you cannot be respawned back if you fully die (you can be brought back in the next round if this occurs). Its format is completely different from the Apex Battle Royale: two teams of three are pitted against each other and the objective is to eliminate the other. Her solution? The Arena game mode, designed to test Legends’ true combat skills.Īrena is a permanent 3v3 mode where the first team to win 3 rounds and win the match point will be the victor. After witnessing the Apex Games in its current state, Ash deemed the games soft and believes the Legends are in it for the glamor and fame. Speaking of preserving legacies, Ash is back in the Apex Games as the overseer of the Arena game mode.